Ko YUzinc

Geology and Geodesy Blog

Wesley Harold

Great discoveries of geology

Throughout the history of geology as a science, scientists have made many interesting discoveries and formed important hypotheses that formed the basis of other areas of study of the Earth’s crust.

What Geodesy Studies

Geodesy is one of the most important natural and technical sciences in the history of mankind. To correctly answer the question of what geodesy is, it is enough to analyze the main activities of scientists of this scientific direction.

What does geology study?

The main object of study in geology is the Earth’s crust, as well as the geological processes and history of the Earth

Geodesic disciplines

In a broad sense, the definition of geodesy can be interpreted as a combination of independent sciences, united by common principles and objectives

Geological Sciences

Geology is a broad scientific concept that includes many subdivisions, differing in scope of application, category of theoretical deductions, and type of objects of study, described in detail below.

Magmatic rocks

They are formed as a result of magma cooling inside the Earth or occurring as volcanic lava. These are rocks with a variable proportion of crystallized matter and glassy matter

Where geodesy is applied

Geodesic works are carried out for the needs of different sectors of the economy. First of all, we are talking about applied geodesy, as it is the part of the whole vast geodetic science that is used more often than others.

What are metamorphic rocks?

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been subjected to metamorphism, i.e. a process that has changed the texture and size of grain aggregates


Minerals are self-native, stable chemical elements with unique physical and chemical characteristics. They are formed as a result of complex natural processes.

Equipment used

When performing geodetic works, it is necessary to use the following types of professional metrology equipment